A few comments that flowed in the last few days that appear to be well connected. The world has changed superficially, but physical evolution has NEVER changed psychologically the human state!. We cannot ever penetrate the conundrum, as The Observer IS the Observed.

Two discussions were recorded between David Bohn and K. at Brockwood Park in 1983, and the conclusion reached by these two humanitarian giants points to the futility of continuing to try to solve issues through the pathway of THOUGHT. Thought cannot bring about a change in itself, either internally or externally, we need another instrument. The human condition has not advanced toward Unity as human psychology has not improved because we repeat the same story and are educated and trained as separate individuals , NOT as a COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, so any attempt is doomed to failure. This resonates strongly with me, and the “OUTCOME” of the discussion suggests there is another way, and that is to look to the MIND to help. The human condition requires INTELLIGENT input, with many minds working cooperatively. Self-knowledge is expressed in THE MOMENT; energy allows attention, and so the brain HAS to be in high energy. ( IMO, this brings in the notion of UNITY within the relative framework of daily living and healthy relationship, which can be expanded by proper attention to the daily physical health of the person; hence the food connection.)

The next reference came from Michael James, who always seems capable of adding that extra element of understanding to any conversation he is involved in; in this instance it was the July 2020 Houston Satsang. One needs to ‘increase the times we spend being attentive’. He goes on to support this notion by confirming that all spiritual activity, whether through our focus on videos or reading etc. IS STILL A FORM OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. The ‘relative value of these means’ was not considered, however, this principle of FOCUSING OUR MIND on being ATTENTIVE is important, and so we can be MINDFUL in other ways, not only in Meditation. NB. The path of Self Inquiry is always, of itself, an essential form of observance for ‘final’ progression toward so called ‘self realisation’. (The awakened awareness).

At around 30 minutes into the You Tube Houston video, Michael reads Bhagwan’s beautiful pointing about the starting of meditation. “Enter with love the temple that is your own heart. Silently allowing the deep within to flow on into the deep beyond”.

A third item comes from the Batgap interview with David Hoffman on Oneness, when he confirms the “fundamental dynamics of consciousness is always exploration”. Consciousness is exploring itself and is fundamental. The need for ‘mathematical precision’ is discussed at 1 hr 5min approx. Sharing ideas has to be continued, but humbleness is needed, in all approaches to our discovery of a ‘Precise Theory of Consciousness’. This directive for utilising our highest capacity, is again a reference to the need for Quality of the Intelligent Mind, evident in three quite different pathways and teaching traditions, and demonstrates the COLLECTIVE CAPACITY of UNITY.

The above three approaches and traditions confirm the potential for a dedicated approach in education to provide a Pathway out of the deteriorating global condition, which is manifested by the human predicament of body and ego identification. Love and Compassion are essential touchstones in this movement.

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