
Sunday Sitting produces a good variety of topics to contemplate and the sitting is really a ‘musing’, sometime amusing as well and nearly always a Bridge to a deeper understanding, which leads the stream of consciousness into a ‘thought stream epiphany’, an outcome which demonstrates the value of Sitting, which IMO can legitimately be termed a process of Self Investigation.

As the movement towards wholeness exposes itself with the convergence of thought streams, they tend to become summarised into a succinct take-away message. The suggestion here is that the activity of the Self investigation process can simply be explained as a movement toward ‘Seeing God in everything’, through a practice which provides a deep and profound convergence of confluent thought forms, leading to clarity in the mind. Mental ease likewise supports clarity and discrimination and therefore feelings and emotions, these are understood to be energetically or Heart Dependent, and are thus less troubled and enabled to experience the inherent happiness that dwells here as our Real Self or Oneness, or Wholeness, or Consciousness, or whatever other term is utilised. Bob Dylan penned a great line…”we all wear the same crown of thorns’…. that alone is worthy of a Nobel prize in Spirituality!

There are numerous approaches to Self Investigation, and all are necessarily individual as the SOUL is a unique determinant of ‘Self-Empathy’, but in my experience this is what happens to me, I don’t consider that I meditate as such. The most accurate description in Duality IMO is the word SITTING, and my experience of sitting is a process whereby thoughts arise and are dealt with; I presume in accordance with the need to be fulfilled and dispensed with at that time of arrival, and perhaps akin to lateral thinking, (or non conceptual thinking) by allowing the freedom for the Self Talk to express itself.

The language we use, and the thought form content are likely guided by past experience, and so the way that the reader is assimilating the narrative while Sitting is likely to expressed in different terms and words by each SOUL form, and hence confusion may arise when discussing or confirming the experience of the MESSAGE to others, (words can have different connotations), HOWEVER, this description is meant to be neutral and in simple language so the universal aspect of the process can be understood.

Perseverance is said to be the ONLY MEASURE of success in the process of Self Investigation, and it is arrived at by individual practice, not by discussion and direction and technique. Enjoy, Z

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