Welcome to Sramana, a unique Self Healing Retreat Centre in Kuranda. Home of Vegaculture.

Hello, welcome to Sramana, my name is Zalan. In 2014 I created a peaceful eco-friendly sanctuary in Kuranda, Far North Qld, where there is access to fresh air, pure water, natural surrounds, bird songs, high quality tropical fruits, and a beautiful garden setting. I am pleased to offer this purpose designed venue to fellow travellers, individuals and facilitators, and all who feel drawn to the path of self-discovery.
Our Foundations

Self healing is the exercise of free will through conscious awareness to integrate our Doing with our Being. A strong ethical foundation grounded in Self knowledge and the needs of our Body-Mind-Spirit form the basis for quality, holistic decisions that may be fully expressed in daily life.

Compassionate permaculture principles assist the welfare of people, animals and the environment, to provide a fair share. On-site Veganic (vegan-organic) gardening methods are successful with soil improvement, plant growth and food provision. Home grown tropical fruits supplement local food sources.

Natural Health
Natural Hygiene principles support, and Natural Living activities provide, healthy life choices. Raw plant foods are a natural source of vitality and energy, and particularly suitable in Kuranda’s tropical climate. An ideal living situation, with access to clean air, quality water in a quiet rural location.
Join us at Sramana Self Healing Retreat Centre and enjoy the beautiful space that is provided for you to unwind and participate more fully in your own journey. Whatever your background or level of experience with natural living, yoga, meditation and vegaculture we aim to help you feel comfortable and to assist you to greater balance and wellbeing.

Yoga Studio
Our spacious Yoga Studio is an inviting area for practice and instruction. We have a variety of mats and props to assist those so inclined. Our Daily Program is usually held in the Studio.

The accommodation is ringed by gardens and the tropical rain forest fringe. Room occupancy can be negotiated to satisfy your needs. Organic linen and bamboo pillows are provided.

Share in the creative preparation of gourmet raw food cuisine, and join with us for story telling at the Dining Table to deepen our personal social and cultural ties for community wellbeing.
Vegaculture is a movement for compassionate living and maintains that all animals should have an inalienable right to live without the imposition of injustice, violence or harm. Vegaculture is a confluence of the vegan way with permaculture design principles, to ensure a compassionate pathway is designated on behalf of animals in any situation that may effect their living conditions. The design provision must include consideration and provision for their fullest natural expression. In the instance of vegan gardening, vegaculture supports a ‘veganic’ or vegan organic method of growing. which is not reliant on the input or use of animal products.
You can learn more from the videos below.
Our Garden
Relax among the wide range of tropical plants and fruits in our magical space on the edge of the rainforest.

We serve top quality raw, vegan food, much of which we grow in our own gardens. Whether you are starting out on your vegan adventure, need a peaceful place to detox or if you are already a raw, vegan you’ll feel at home with us right away.


“Zalan is a wonderful host. The food he prepares is amazing. His stories are great. He is an inspiration for the vegan tribe. The retreat is in a beautiful natural setting and it’s easy to relax and to quiet the mind.” – Jolanda
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