Monday, 23 Nov 2020 I offer the following explanation from my limited ego experience and my understanding of the writings and the Teachings of Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi. Disclaimer: I am a novice on a Soul Journey of understanding, (a Sramana), and as such there will be a certain resonance with […]
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Self Investigation Part 1
22-11-20 Sunday Sitting produces a good variety of topics to contemplate and the sitting is really a ‘musing’, sometime amusing as well and nearly always a Bridge to a deeper understanding, which leads the stream of consciousness into a ‘thought stream epiphany’, an outcome which demonstrates the value of Sitting, […]
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Watching Batgap interviews and gradually finding more gems: Recently, Richard Moss, suggests starting with: READY, RELAXED, FOCUSED AND SPATIAL The definition of Awakening is the birth of witness consciousness. Take 5 focused breathes, and imagine Silence is enabled. Diamond Method: FEEL PRESENCE OF IMMEDIATE EXPERIENCE Hameed Ali gave an insight […]
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