
Vegaculture Revisited

Introduction Vegaculture is descriptive of the vegan journey. It is not a fundamentalist position, (not an ISM), rather a framework for a social setting where change and growth occur harmoniously, with compassion, health and awareness for the earth and all its creatures, with a common respect for each other in a global […]

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Introduction to Vegaculture

Vegaculture took shape and form around 25 years ago, when I first encountered Permaculture.  I recognised that permaculture was a collection from many different sources, of useful information for common sense living.  The fact that it was a scholarly attempt at defining a system of sustainable practices, by integrating successful […]

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Foreword to Vegaculture

Vegaculture keeps changing its spots!  Visioned as a vegan alternative way of permaculture, it has grown to be synonymous with changing patterns of thinking and community values, as a central social and cultural pattern, as a popular lifestyle choice, as a serious player in the evolution towards sustainable solutions and […]

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