INTRODUCTION Further to the previous Blog post regarding the ‘Not Me’ teaching of Jim Newman, and the “Comparative” Non-Dual Teachings of Advaita Vedanta as elucidated by Ramana Maharshi, this post attempts to clarify the use of the term Awareness in each teaching. Both teachings are supported by the actual experience […]
Read MoreBlog
INTRODUCTION Non-dual means one, thus any attempt to dissect the one, is a fallacy, such as in the heading above, where ‘comparative’ is suggested as a description of the intent of this article. A clumsy attempt perhaps, but when a paradox is recognised, language is doomed and so a place […]
Read MoreThe Teachings of the Essenes
Extracts by Zalan on 3 Jan 2021 Opening Comments: Most of the presentation is an outline of daily practice that was undertaken by the Essenes. The major source was a Szekely text (Ref.1), extracted about twenty years ago, however, I do not have a proper reference for the extract. Reference […]
Read MoreFood For Thought 17Dec2020
Sitting by the Barron and immersing the mind’s thought stream with the river. The action of the flow and the stillness of the ponds, the cycle of birth and death. I reflect on the 4 elements that are expressed here as pairs or twins; Earth and Water, plus Air and […]
Read MoreSelf Investigation Part 2
Monday, 23 Nov 2020 I offer the following explanation from my limited ego experience and my understanding of the writings and the Teachings of Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi. Disclaimer: I am a novice on a Soul Journey of understanding, (a Sramana), and as such there will be a certain resonance with […]
Read MoreSelf Investigation Part 1
22-11-20 Sunday Sitting produces a good variety of topics to contemplate and the sitting is really a ‘musing’, sometime amusing as well and nearly always a Bridge to a deeper understanding, which leads the stream of consciousness into a ‘thought stream epiphany’, an outcome which demonstrates the value of Sitting, […]
Read MoreShamanism
A recent interview broached the topic of Shamanism, which often goes under the radar, wrt conversations in public domain, and so it was really refreshing to listen to the explanations of the place that Shamanism has in the world, and how we as people can interact with the foundational premises […]
Read MoreSacred Activism
‘Sacred Activism’ is a term being used to describe the preponderance of spiritual teaching that seems to be arising presently. Perhaps the increasing interest in yoga and meditation, which has now become common in the West, has softened the public attitudes enough, to accept what may previously have been considered […]
Read MoreBody Wisdom and Probiotics
Many of the current advertising claims made for the various manufactured products, rely on taking a piece of scientific enquiry and establishing it as the CAUSE for action in the body. However, it is the wisdom of a healthy functioning body, which is the final arbiter determining the use and […]
Read MoreLiberation
At its essence, animal liberation is actually human liberation, the letting go of attachment. It may seem strange and uncaring to suggest this, but there is a basis in the exploration of our true selves, which confirms the core of this statement. Bear in mind these are only words, and […]
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